Beloved of God,

I am directed to forward to you, information concerning this year’s edition of Ebira Bible Day coming up on Saturday, 29th October 2022 at St. Paul’s Ang. Church. Okengwe by 9.00 a.m prompt.

Every Church is expected to prepare for:

  1. Ebira Bible reading by adults and
  2. Ebira Bible recitation by children while
  3. Youth CAN of each Zone is expected to take a mass procession to the venue as much as possible.

It is worthy of mention that the aim of this annual event is to celebrate the Word of God in our Mother Tongue (Ebira) and encourage its reading and usefulness through its recitation amongst us. Therefore, everybody should give it the maximum publicity and attendance it deserves.

GOs and Heads of Denominations should please make the day void of programs to enable every member to attend, as last Saturday of October every year has been set aside for this celebration. You are expected to make financial contributions towards our various programs and projects.

Thank you so very much for your usual co-operation.

Yours Sincerely,

Job Sanni-Apaana

(Head of Media)

ECUF Home Branch

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