
(Revised, November 1999)


The name of the fellowship shall be EBIRA CHRISTIAN UNITY FELLOWSHIP (ECUF). The Fellowship is an interdenominational, non-denominational and Evangelizing organization. The Fellowship is not a church and does not intend to build a separate one.


Unite and Evangelise (John 17:21)

Aims and Objectives

(a) To evangelise our home, Ebira land, Acts 1:8
(b) To unite Ebira Christians within and outside Ebira land, I Cor. 1:10; 12:12
(c) To carry out projects and programmes that foster Christian objectives, e.g. literature centre,
Christian Education, Seminars, etc.
(d) To encourage and support full-time Christian workers
(e) To encourage and support translation of the Bible, particularly in Ebira, and production of
other Christian literature.

Doctrinal Basis

The doctrinal basis of the fellowship shall be the fundamental truth of the Christian Faith as revealed in the whole of the Holy Scripture including:

(a) The one Eternal God-Father, Son and Holy Spirit, 1 john 5:4-7.
(b) The Lordship of Jesus Christ In the life of the Believer | Cor. 8:6.
(c) The Divine inspiration of the Bible and its final authority in matters of faith, doctrine and conduct, 2 Tim. 3:16-1 7.
(d) The universal sinfulness of man, which brings God’s condemnation on all men, Rom. 3:23.
(e) The redemption from the penalty and power of sin solely through the sacrificial death and bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, Rom. 5:8-9.
(f) The justification of the sinner by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ alone, Rom. 3:24-28.
(g) The constant in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit in the believer and the need for him to live a life consistent with his faith through the power of the Holy Spirit, John 17:23
(h) The Fellowship of all believers in the Church which is the body of Christ, 1 John 1:7; Acts 2:24. The eternal dwelling of the Saints with God and the eternal separation of the unbeliever from Him, Rev. 21:1-8.


Membership of the Fellowship shall be open to:

(a) All Ebira Christians that subscribe to the article of faith and the aims and objectives of the Fellowship.

(b) All Christians who identify themselves with the aims and objectives of the Fellowship as in above


There shall be a Committee of Patrons, which shall consist of outstanding Christian Leaders including heads of all Christian denominations in and Outside Ebiraland.


There shall be a National Executive Council to coordinate the activities, of the Fellowship. The Council shall Consist of:
(a)     i. The President
            ii. First Vice President
            iii. Second Vice President
            iv. Third Vice President
(b)     i. National Secretary
            ii. Assistant National Secretary
(c)     National Publicity Secretary
(d)     National Treasurer
(e)     National Financial Secretary
(f)      National Auditor
(g)     i. Programmes Co-ordinator
            ii. Maximum of three co-opted Members
            iii. The immediate past President shall be an ex-officio member of the National Executive Council.


There shall be a Board of Trustees, which shall consist of seven Members.

(a) Qualities of Trustees

i. Trustees shall be distinguished Christians (men and women) who subscribe to the aims and
objective and the article of faith of the Fellowship.

ii. Trustees shall be Christians whose level of faith and identity to the course of the Gospel shall be in no doubt.

iii. Trustees shall be prepared to accept and foster the cause of the Fellowship.

iv. Trustees must be matured and shall not be less than 45 years of age.

v. Trustees shall hold office for life.

(b) Function of Trustees

i. Trustees shall have responsibility for the ownership of landed property of the Fellowship
under the Land Perpetual Act 98.

ii. Trustees shall handle all official matters concerning the Fellowship with the Government.

iii. Trustees shall have common seal. Such seal shall be kept in the custody of the president who shall produce it when required for use.

iv. Trustees shall have the right to call the Executive Council to order in the rare event of obvious and proven lapses.

v. All documents to be executed shaft be valid if signed by any two of the Trustees appointed by the whole body of the Trusts for such Purposes, and sealed by the common seal.

(c) Conditions for leaving Office

Trustee shall cease to hold office if he or she:

i. Resigns his or her office
ii. Becomes insane or grossly incapacitated
iii. Is Officially declared bankrupt
iv. Is convicted of criminal offence involving dishonesty by a court of competent jurisdiction
v. Is recommended for removal by the Board of Trustees for such offences as:
     (1) Gross misconduct
     (2) Immoral behaviour
     (3) Lapses associated with the aims and objectives of the Fellowship
vi. Ceases to reside Permanently in Nigeria
vii. If he or she dies

Tenure of Officials

i. Tenure of office for National Executive Council shall be four years.

ii. Tenure of office for Branch Executive Committee shall be three years.

iii. An officer shall be eligible for re-election for an office for a maximum of two terms consecutively.


i. There shall be a national convention every year. The National Executive shall determine the venue and time and inform all the Branches.

ii. National Executive Council shall meet three times in a year. Extra-ordinary meetings may be called any time at the discretion of the President. Branch Executive Committee shall meet at least six times in the year excluding extra-ordinary meetings.

iii. Any six members, including the President and National Secretary or their accredited representatives shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Executive Council.

iv. The National Secretary shall summon the National Executive Council meetings on the directive of the President.

v. In case of Branch Executive Committee, any five members including the Chairman and Secretary shall constitute a quorum.

vi. Quorum at National Convention shall be one-third or 50 members.

vii. Quorum at Branch meeting shall not be less than one-third of its Membership or 20 members binding the Chairman and Secretary.

Duties of Officers

i. President
The President shall:

(a) Be the official representative of the Fellowship.

(b) Preside over all Annual Convention and National Executive Council meetings.

(c) Submit an Annual Report to the Annual Convention.

(d) See to the general well being of the Fellowship.

ii. Vice Presidents
The Vice Presidents shall assist the President, act for him, and carry out any other functions as the President may assign to them.

iii. National Secretary
The National Secretary shall:

(a) Be responsible for convening the meetings of the National Executive Council and Annual Conventions at the instance of the President.
(b) Take and keep record of all the minutes of the proceedings of the meetings of the National Executive Council and Annual Conventions.
(c) Circulate to the Branches the minutes of the Annual General meetings and any other necessary information.
(d) Keep and maintain records of registered Members of the Fellowship.

iv. Assistant National Secretary
The Assistant National Secretary shall assist the National Secretary and act for him in his absence.

v. National Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be in charge of all moneys of the Fellowship and shall be responsible for
banking such moneys. He/She shall pay the bills of the Fellowship, and obtain receipts for all such payments. He/She shall submit a true statement of accounts of the Fellowship at regular intervals, for which purpose he/she shall keep an accurate record of all income and expenditure.

vi. National Financial Secretary
The Financial Secretary shall be responsible to the Executive for looking after the financial affairs of the Fellowship. He/she shall collect subscription donations, gifts and receipts before paying such amounts to the Treasurer. He/she shall present an Annual Audited Account to the Annual Convention. Such a report shall be circulated to all the Branches at least one month before the Convention.

vii. National Publicity Secretary
The Publicity Secretary shall in consultation with the President be responsible for publicising all the activities of the Fellowship. The Publicity Secretary may co-opt any member or members of the Fellowship under his chairmanship to assist him publicise any of the planned activities.

viii. Programme Coordinator
There shall be a Programme Coordinator, who shall head an Action Committee and be in touch with all branches. He shall be responsible to the president for National Programmes.

Branch Executives

The Branch Executive Committee shall comprise of the following:

(a) Chairman

(b) Vice Chairman

(c) Secretary

(d) Assistant Secretary

(e) Treasurer

(f) Financial Secretary

(g) Public Relations Officer/Activity Co-ordinator

(h) Auditor

Duties of Branch Officers

The Chairman shall:
(a) Be the local representative of the Fellowship
(b) Preside over all Executive Committee and General Meetings
(c) Co-ordinate the local activities of the Fellowship
(d) Read Annual Report

i. Vice Chairman
The Vice Chairman shall:
(a) Assist the Chairman in co-ordinating local activities
(b) Act for the Chairman in his absence
(¢) Carry out other assigned duties

iii. Secretary
The Secretary shall:
(a) Be the chief local scribe of the Fellowship
(b) Maintain an effective secretariat
(c) Take and keep records of minutes of meetings
(d) Maintain a register of local Membership etc.

iv. Assistant Secretary
The Assistant Secretary shall assist and act in the absence of the Secretary.

v. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall keep and bank all monies of the Fellowship, and shall render regular financial statement.

vi. Financial Secretary
The Financial Secretary shall be responsible for the collection of subscriptions, donations, gifts etc. He is responsible for all financial affairs of the Branch Fellowship.

vii. Public Relations Officer /Activity Coordinator

The Public Relations Officer / Activity Co-ordinator is responsible for publicising the activities of the branch Fellowship on close consultation with the Chairman.

viii. Auditor
The Auditor shall audit the accounts of the Branch and submit a comprehensive report annually


The sources of finance of the Fellowship shall be mainly as follows:

(a) Annual subscriptions: Members of the fellowship are encouraged to pay at least 2.5% of their
income as subscription to ECUF. Of all membership subscriptions collected at Branch level, 75% shall be the share of ECUF National to execute its programmes and projects.
The remaining 25% shall be the share of respective Branch for its administrative and running expenses.

(b) Annual thanksgiving/Freewill Offerings, which shall be conducted at Branch levels and proceeds Submitted to ECUF National at Annual General Meeting.

(c) Donations towards Evangelism and Bible Translation Funds shall be encouraged and collected by Branches on a continuous basis. National Executive Council shall prepare budgets and appropriate to Branches.

(d) Sales and Services consistent. with the aims and objectives of ECUF, e.g. religious publications, health care, etc.

(e) Donations and Gifts, to be solicited from Churches, Christian organisations, and any friendly corporate bodies, for ECUF National projects.

(f) Any special Appeal Fund (e.g. Open Day, ECUF Day), approved by National Executive Council may be collected for special projects/programmes of the Fellowship.

(g) Branches are encouraged ‘to generate funds in line with ECUF principles for their love offerings, sympathy gifts, and other local needs

Bank Accounts Signatories

The Fellowship shall open Current and/or Savings Accounts in recognized Banks; to which
only the National Treasurer and the President or National Financial Secretary shall be signatories. Similarly, only the Treasurer and the Chairman or Financial Secretary shall be signatories to the Local Branch bank Accounts.


Members shall live a disciplined Christian life consistent with Christ’s precepts. In the event of misconduct by any member of the Fellowship, the President or Chairman shall appoint an ad-hoc disciplinary committee to deal with the case.

Amendment of Constitution

Any Member may propose an amendment to the constitution. Such proposal must be seconded by at least three other Members, after which it shall be submitted in writing to the National Executive Council who after due consideration will direct the proposal to be circulated to all the Branches at least 30 days before the Annual General Meeting. The proposed amendment shall be ratified by at least a two-thirds majority of the Members present at the Annual Convention.

Youth Wing

There shall be a Youth Wing of ECUF organised at local level to mobilise youths for prayer support, evangelism and any other Support as deemed fit to enhance the unity and evangelisation of their homeland they shall send representatives of not more than four Members to Annual General Meeting