

It happened in 1974 in the month of July. Kaduna Christian Assembly, now All Nations Christian Assembly (ANCA) members were on a Saturday clearing overgrown bushes around their vicarage at 12 Borno Road.
The good Lord revealed His plan to reach Ebiraland with the Gospel of Salvation to a brother. The brother immediately contacted two other Ebiras at the same venue for the same work. He was so sure that God has spoken and with a clear understanding of the assignment he embraced it as a mission wholeheartedly.
One of the two contacted brothers confirmed with amazement that he had heard the voice.
They prayed and worked very hard and within a month, they were six members strong.


These brethren were:
1. Mr. James A. Onukoko (Now gone to be with the Lord in Heaven)
2. Mr. Stephen F. Sadiku (Now gone to be with the Lord in Heaven)
3. Mr. Jacob M. Bello
4. Mr. Joseph J. Bello
5. Mr. Emmanuel I. Bello
6. Mr. Joshua M. Atureta
The work began with these brethren supported by their wives.
They worked as unto the Lord.
They were together in love and were available.
They sought for God’s strength and wisdom.
They organized a weekly prayer on a rock not too far from Constain.
They met every first Sunday of the month for planning and publicity.


They considered the composition of the fellowship membership and adopted Ebira Christian Body (ECB), They drew a constitution which a team under Prof. Peter Asun of blessed memory worked on in Zaria. They, upon consultations with other branches changed the name to Ebira Christian Unity Fellowship (ECUF). Thus, any believer from any Christian denomination are eligible to join the Fellowship


The Lord planted the Fellowship in Kaduna. But the general desire was to prayerfully have a strong branch at home which is our operational target and make it our Headquarters. Branches sprang up in Zaria, Lagos, Ilorin, Kano, Jos and Oro.
The good Lord knows how many are still alive and working.


ECUF members are first and foremost members of the Body of Christ, the Church.
They must be born again and effective members of their various congregations and denominations. It was the prayers of the Fellowship to see all her members to be examples of brethren and pillars in their various Church groups. There was no room for bench warmers, spectators or observers. We welcome active, fruitful Christians with good family testimony and Christian homes.

Our Call

The Fellowship was to UNITE all Christians from all denominations in Ebiraland for effective propagation of the gospel of the crucified Jesus for the salvation of souls by him, the only Saviour of the world. Among other missions the Fellowship was assigned is to support and encourage the translation of the Holy Bible into Ebira dialect and other literature works. The Fellowship was also to encourage missionaries, mission works and teamwork among the Churches of God in Ebiraland, in spite of doctrinal differences.


It was an experience never to be forgotten. We had reasonably grown in number.
The brethren at home were eagerly waiting. Prayers and fasting were embarked on. Sacrifices were made. A Muslim convert preacher (Aroworakewu) was invited from Ibadan. It was a weeklong programme and held at three venues, Okene, Okengwe, and Ikuehi. We had challenges in Okene that even policemen came to interview us at the venue. We had reported our presence at the police station earlier and they knew we had a soldier among us. We were peaceful and there was no case. The outing at Ikuehi had no problem. But we had attacks at Okengwe. We never knew they were stoning us as the Lord sent all the stones over us. We were only shown the stones behind us at the close of the meeting that witnessed salvation of souls.
We are still in the service of the same God.
Let us move on.


The Fellowship is not a church neither does it intend to be one.
It is a non-denominational and inter-denominational body that is committed to the course of Christ to the lost world. By the grace of God, the Fellowship has organized and executed many successful seminars, annual general meetings, and crusades at home. We have also supported and co-sponsored projects such as the translation of the Bible into Ebira language, developing electronic versions of Ebira Bible, producing and launching of the Ebira version of the film “Jesus” and the annual Ebira Bible Reading Day. 

What is the strength of the Fellowship today in terms of number and sacrifice to achieve its goal? How many members live up to the demand of our constitution?
How so few did so much and what can’t so many do now?

“The Lord Jesus is coming soon. Perhaps Today” (1 Thes 4:13-18).

Atureta, JM (2001) Brief History of Ebira Christian Unity Fellowship