COMMUNIQUE: All ministers interactive conference 2020

All ministers Interactive conference 2020


The Ebira Christian Unity Fellowship (ECUF) Abuja through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit was burdened by the various challenges confronting the progress of the gospel in Ebiraland. The burden became heavy in view of the fact that the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ has been in Ebiraland for over a hundred (100) years and despite the length of years of the goodnews in the land, the level of idolatry (demonic and satanic practices) is still on the high side. This calls for serious concerns!

In addition to this myriads of ungodly activities, the divisions in the body of Christ (traceable to doctrinal beliefs, denominational differences, self-righteousness, lack of respect for elders and leaders of the faith, etc.) poses additional threat to growth and strength of the Church of God in the land. Our Lord Jesus Christ said in Matt 12:25b that:

“every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.”

These divisions have created a great gap in the relationship and fellowship of the body of Christ in the land. The Lord knowing that the devil will easily penetrate the fellowship of believers if there is disunity therefore prayed fervently and passionately for the unity of believers in John 17:112:

“that they may be one even as we are one.”

This is the longest recorded prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ prayed when he was about leaving the world.

And yet the happenings in the body of Christ indicate that the enemy has crept in causing Segregations in our midst as was recorded in Matt 13:28: 8

“but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.”

The effects of this disunity among the churches and church leaders of Ebira land has been evident in the annual Ebira Bible Day, particularly in the 2019 episode. Ebira Bible Day being an annual event organized to commemorate the completion of the IWE ONINI should pull more weight for Ebira Christians more than how traditional festivals (such as Ekuechi or Echane) do for ordinary Anebira. But it has not been so, largely due to lack of unity among the believers.

It is therefore time to awake, arise and shine from this valley of confusion and darkness. Let us arise and let the glory of the Lord rise upon His people. We must avoid the deep darkness! (Isa 60:1-2).

This is what informs the call for the Interactive Conference of the believers, especially the Pastors and Ministers who have been chosen and ordained by God, with the gospel for the land committed into their hands.


With the knowledge of all these challenges, efforts were made as inspired by the Holy Ghost, to meet and deliberate with the elders/leaders in the faith, particularly in Abuja and it was unanimously agreed that a Conference of ministers be conveyed.

The brethren waited on the Lord in Prayers and reached out to other brethren within the Federal Capital Territory (Abuja), Lokoja, Kaduna, Jos, South West and home. The moves yielded positive responses with much encouragement, inspirations, which further jolted ECUF Abuja into actions.

It is pertinent to note that many of the brethren within and outside the country contributed positively to the success of the Conference by prayers, suggestions, financial contributions and physical participation. Their rewards from God shall not be denied in Jesus Name.


The All Ministers’/Pastors’ Interactive Conference was held on 12th September, 2020 at St Pauls’ Anglican Church, Okengwe by 11.00am. The Conference theme was “Unity Despite Non-Uniformity”.

To the glory of God, the Conference pulled a large attendance with over 400 participants from various Denominations across the land and beyond.

The conference opened with Opening Formalities, Goodwill Messages, Declaration of the Purpose of the Conference and Intercessory Prayers.

The issues raised from the Purpose of the Conference, among others, include the following:

 a. What to do in order to improve attendance on Ebira Bible Day Programme.

b. The degree of respect to the Church in the Society.

c. Lack of sufficient CRS Teachers in our schools.

d. The low voice of the Church in the government.

e. The challenge of unity among believers in Ebiraland.


The participants were divided into seven syndicate groups to deliberate on the issues raised above along with other challenges relating to the unity of the body of Christ in Ebiraland and suggest the solutions.

The enthusiasm of participants was so high; they defied the rainfall and participated actively in their respective groups. Participants eagerly and freely contributed to the discussions.


At the end of the group discussions, resolutions and suggestions were proffered by various syndicate groups. These are harmonized into communiqué as follows:

1. What must we do to improve attendance on Ebira Bible Day

  • Church Leaders and members should be mobilized towards the programme. And no church should fix any programme for that day (all churches should make Ebira Bible Day Part of their annual calendar).
  • All forms of publicity should be harnessed to reach all the covers of Ebiraland; radio jiggles, Tv advert, social media, public and church announcements, posters, handbills, etc.
  • Ebira literacy class should be organized by Churches to encourage the reading and studying of IWE ONINI. Reading competitions of IWE ONINI should be organized at the zonal levels and the first three winners will compete at the grand finale on Ebira Bible Day.
  • Zonal Organizing Committees be set-up to assist the Central Organizing Committee. The Youth CAN should be involved in the planning for Ebira Bible Day.

2. For the Church to command respect in the Society.

  • Church Leaders should exercise self-discipline in their interaction and relation with their followers and society in general. They are to avoid all forms of discrimination and ungodly behaviours. They should know that they are the image of the church in the society, so should abstain from every form of greed and selfishness when relating with the society (especially unbelievers).
  • The Church should not be turned into a market place, where miracle is exchanged for material benefits; rather it should be a place of refuge and salvation for the lost souls, which can only be obtained through faith in Christ Jesus.
  •  CAN should be encouraged and supported by all to enforce discipline in the body of Christ against any erring church leader through brotherly love and humility.
  • Christian Leaders (Pastors) should as matter of obedience to God, resolve their differences among believers and desist from pulling down and trampling on injured soldiers of Christ but should rather seek to strengthen the weak.

3. The lack of sufficient CRS Teachers in our schools.

  • Young Christians should be given necessary awareness and orientation on why they should take to CRS as a course of study. It may enhance their career opportunity in the service.
  • Christians with related knowledge should be encouraged to volunteer to take up teaching of CRS. CAN should see to how to encourage such volunteers.
  • Schools owned by Churches and Christians should prioritize the teaching of CRS.
  • Sponsorship programme should be created to encourage young ones who wish to study CRS with pledge to teach it in schools.
  • CAN should endeavor to dialogue with government in respect of lack of sufficient CRS teachers in the schools; and see to it that CRS teachers are employed.

4. For the Church to have a voice in the government.

  • The Church should Encourage her members not to shy away from involvement in active politics. This is how the Church can have strong representation in governance thereby giving her a voice.
  • Ebira Christian Political Forum (ECPF) should be constituted for enlightenment, alignment, support and sponsorship of Christians to seek for political office. This should be placed above clannish and district considerations.
  • Christians should be given orientations on the need to obtain and keep their voters card to enable them to perform their civic responsibility; that is to vote for a candidate of their choice especially a Christian.

5. The challenge of unity among believers in Ebiraland.

  • The more matured church leaders should support and encourage the younger ones in their teething stage in ministry and avoid castigations and name-branding about their deficiencies.
  • The younger pastors should honour the older leaders as they are the bedrock of the gospel in the land.
  • Any erring church leader should be corrected in love and be Supported to regain his stand rather than pull him down to the ground.
  • The more mature and experienced ministers should mentor the younger ones with their godly lifestyle and ministry leadership styles.
  • The denominational differences should not be placed above oneness or unity of the body of Christ.
  • Church leaders should exhibit love for one another in order to foster unity among believers. They should abstain from envy, mutual suspicion, malice, un-forgiveness and superiority complex; as these are instruments of the enemy to cause disunity in the body of Christ.


To the glory of God, the All Ministers’/ Pastors Interactive Conference was well attended by the Ministers of the Gospel and their wives.

The resolutions reached at the Conference under the guidance of the Holy Ghost, are expected to form the basis for a united Church in Ebiraland as everyone is enjoined to prayerfully commit himself, others and his church to comply with the resolutions.

We should all pray for more of God’s grace, wisdom and anointing and strength for all who seek to foster this all important unity of the body of Christ in the land, giving ourselves to seeking personal and genuine revival through continued prayers, study and meditation in the word of God.


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